Friday, January 22, 2010

what is web 2.0

The term "Web 2.0" (2004–present) is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folksonomies. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provide to them.


Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. They can build on the interactive facilities of "Web 1.0" to provide "Network as platform" computing, allowing users to run software-applications entirely through a browser. Users can own the data on a Web 2.0 site and exercise control over that data. These sites may have an "Architecture of participation" that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it.
The concept of Web-as-participation-platform captures many of these characteristics. Bart Decrem, a founder and former CEO of Flock, calls Web 2.0 the "participatory Web” and regards the Web-as-information-source as Web 1.0.
The impossibility of excluding group-members who don’t contribute to the provision of goods from sharing profits gives rise to the possibility that rational members will prefer to withhold their contribution of effort and free-ride on the contribution of others. This requires what is sometimes called Radical Trust by the management of the website. According to Best, the characteristics of Web 2.0 are: rich user experience, user participation, dynamic content, metadata, web standards and scalability. Further characteristics, such as openness, freedom and collective intelligence by way of user participation, can also be viewed as essential attributes of Web 2.0.

selain itu ciri-ciri web 2.0 juga seperti:

1.) Mengandungi aplikasi web yang mempunyai ciri-ciri dan berfungsi seperti aplikasi pada komputer desktop.
Boleh dijalankan terus melalui web browser dan tidak memerlukan install software pada PC.
Contoh seperti aplikasi javascript, java applets, php dan yang sebagainya. Saya tidak akan membincangkan technicalities dalam hal ni, tapi jika anda membuka apa-apa website seperti YouTube, iTunes dan sebagainya, anda akan dapat melihat aplikasi tersebut
berfungsi secara real-time.
2.) User-generated content (interactivity): Membolehkan pengunjung memberi pandangan, komen, menulis artikel dan sebagaimana seperti yang ada pada blog, forum, Friendster, MySpace, Squidoo dan sebagainya. Jika dalam web 1.0, penggunjung hanya membaca artikel pada website, dalam web 2.0, penggunjung juga boleh menjadi subscriber dan contributor. Juga termasuk platform photo-sharing seperti Flickr dan video-sharing seperti YouTube, GoogleVideo.
3.) Membolehkan pengguna berkait antara satu sama lain. Platform yang boleh digunakan termasuklah MyBlogLog,
untuk blogs, atau add-a-friend seperti pada Friendster atau MySpace. Berbeza dengan link biasa, pengkaitan adalah interactive dan dalam contoh MyBlogLog, membolehkan pengguna mengisi maklumat peribadi dan melihat perkaitan atau pertalian diantara dia dan pengguna-pengguna lain.
4.) Penggunaan RSS feed dan RSS reader pada web site atau blog. Boleh memberi instant maklumat kepada pengunjung bila sesebuah site di update. Pengunjung tidak perlu lagi taip URL dan memeriksa sesebuah website setiap hari kalau-kalau pemilik site tersebut ada menulis artikel baru.
5.) Penggunaan skrip Open Source (OS), sama ada secara keseluruhannya atau separa-OS. Skrip pada, wiki, mozilla, sourceforge dan sebagainya.
6.) Penggunaan Folksonomy seperti tagging, tag clouds dan sebagainya untuk memberi kategori kepada webpage, links dan photos.
7.) User-friendly interface. Tidak seperti web 1.0 yang selalunya tidak berapa user-friendly, Web 2.0 sites memudahkan sesiapa saja menggunakannya kerana ia merangkumi ciri-ciri WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Tengoklah Friendster – nak bina Friendster site begitu mudah untuk beginner!
8.) Clean layout. Easy navigation. Tidak complicated.

dan untuk paham lebih jelas web 2.0 adalah sebuah revolusi bisnes di dalam industri komputer yang terjadi akibat pergerakan ke internet sebagai platform, dan suatu usaha untuk mengerti aturan-aturan agar sukses di platform tersebut.

sumbangan web 2.0

Pertama, Servis.
Bagi penggunanya, Web 2.0 adalah servis dengan skalabilitas biaya yang efektif. Berbeda dengan media konvensional yang pada umumnya berbiaya mahal. Web 2.0 merupakan media yang bersifat low budget high impact. Dengan biaya yang efisien, Web 2.0 mampu membuat jejaring sosial yang terus membesar serta saling berhubungan.
Kedua, Kontrol.
Pengontrolan unik Web 2.0 menjadikan konten Web 2.0 semakin kaya, seiring bertambahnya jumlah pengguna. Jika dulu pengguna website menjadi pembaca,dengan konsep Web 2.0 pengguna dapat menjadi pembaca dan penulis, termasuk juga mengontrolnya. Dengan kata lain, Web 2.0 merupakan contoh demokrasi “dari rakyat untuk rakyat.”
Ketiga, Kepercayaan.
Dalam hal ini terjalin kepercayaan antara penyedia Web 2.0 dan pengguna. Hal mengagumkan yang dihasilkan Web 2.0 adalah kontribusi pengguna tanpa saling mengenal satu sama lain, dari berbagai
latar pendidikan dan budaya, telah mampu bersama-sama memelihara eksistensi Web 2.0 dengan dasar kepercayaan para pengguna.
Keempat, Kepandaian Kolektif.
Kelebihan Web 2.0 adalah memanfaatkan kepandaian secara kolektif. Aktiviti yang dilakukan
pengguna membuat website berkembang secara organik seperti artikel-artikel yang terus bertambah setiap harinya pada Wikipedia atau website eBay yang menciptakan pasar dengan adanya pengguna yang berlaku sebagai pembeli dan penjual.
Kelima, Level Software.
Web 2.0 merupakan sebuah servis terintegrasi berbagai device, entah mobile/handheld device, PC, ataupun server internet.
Keenam, Kemudahan.
Dalam banyak hal, penggunaan dan pemanfaataan Web 2.0 dapat memberikan dukungan kemudahan yang merangkumi beberapa hal seperti user interface, model programming, mahupun model bisnes

advantage of web 2.0

Web 2.0 companies make the user enjoy blogging, join podcasts, download, email the RSS feeds, and so on. Such benefits give an excitement quotient to the online experience. Many companies claim to provide web 2.0 applications that have better interactivity, easy usability, and adjust better to changing trends.
The web 2.0 companies can be used to filter web traffic to your website. You can get many 2.0 websites links to your website. It has been seen that web 2.0 sites get higher rankings in search engines, especially in Google. Web 2.0 gives long term business advantages to its user, whether it's a traditional business or a new business process. The success of web 2.0 is highly dependant on how efficient the site is in picking the newer forms of business models, new online communities, and joint processes.
The Web 2.0 benefits are explained here below. These are consistent for all types of websites.
* It provides a web platform that is highly functional in obtaining and implementing sales strategies.
* Web 2.0 development enables better use of the core enterprise application.
* You can make use of semantic tagging technology that can raise the navigation of internal and external web pages, thereby leading to increased sales of products/services.
* For greater employee satisfaction and collaboration within the organization web 2.0 can be utilized to its best, creating waves of networking achievement stories.
* It very well targets the marketing resources, hastens the product development life cycle, and gives apt feedback of the new products.
* Web 2.0 uses its users and bloggers for establishing a positive image and creating positive publicity among the masses.
* It makes the Internet marketing a compulsory process so that your marketing budget is used to its best.
* It improves the quality of social interaction for anyone across the globe. Here, views, experiences, recipes, thoughts, comments, etc are easily exchanged.
* You can post photos, guest books, albums, how-to guides, etc. Also maps for planning traveling that are interactive in nature.

difference between web2.0 and web1.0

The web as is stands (Web1.0) is seen as a "static" thing, like a billboard or a magazine. You can see lots of billboards, buy lots of magazines, enjoy or dislike them but they stay the same until they are changed by the publisher.

"Web2.0 applications" are ones that are "user-generated" or "user-shaped". Instead of being "published" by someone, the people using the site "publish" the content. They also market it and edit it.

Famous examples of "Web2.0 applications" already in use and much talked about are Flickr for photographs, Wikipedia for encyclopedia articles, Facebook for maintaining friendships, YouTube for seeing young people mugging to videocameras and for combining syndicated elements of these with its own user-generated Q&A section.

Web 1.0 is like a kind of platform where there are new releases of it. But there is nothing like a new release for the existing ones in web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a kind of service oriented. Web 1.0 was about publishing, not participation; that advertisers, not consumers, ought to call the shots; that size mattered, and that the internet was increasingly being dominated by the top websites. Web 2.0 helps to increase the participation of the users like blogs, e-commerce websites, torrents etc, where every user gets a chance to publish in a website one way or the other.


Unknown said... tau ape 2 web 2.0 cik nene....

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